What If I’m Not Sure About Adoption?
Choosing to place your baby up for adoption is a really difficult decision, and it’s OK not to be sure yet. Even if you’ve been planning an adoption throughout your pregnancy, things can change once you’ve delivered your baby. You might experience feelings of doubt and confusion and — if you’ve just given birth — medication and hormones can make it even harder to think clearly. If you are feeling unsure, we encourage you to take extra time before making a decision.
What are my options if I’m not sure about adoption?
If you are still in the hospital: In many cases, both you and the baby will be discharged after about 48 hours. You can choose to take the baby home with you and care for it while you make a final decision. You will need to be prepared to leave with an infant and have things like a car seat and diapers ready.
If you don’t feel like you can take the baby home, Adoption Advocates can offer interim care, also known as cradle care. This is a temporary situation where a family can provide care for your child for up to 14 days. This type of care is provided through the agency and not through Child Protective Services. You will remain the legal parent during this temporary placement. Learn more about cradle care
If you are already caring for your baby or young child: You will continue to care for the child in your home as you explore adoption with your adoption specialist. Together, you’ll be able to discuss your unique situation and explore what other options may be available.
If you are still pregnant and have not delivered: The earliest you can sign the adoption papers is 48 hours after delivery. Until then, you are solely making an adoption plan. You’ll continue meeting with your adoption specialist to explore parenting vs placing, including creating a parenting plan in addition to an adoption plan. Seeing both options and having a plan for either situation can help you see things more clearly and help take some of the pressure off of making a decision.
Sometimes talking about your options can help. Our adoption specialists are here to listen — without judgement or pressure. We want what’s best for you and your baby, and we’ll support your decision, no matter what you decide.