How Do I Know the Parents That Adopt My Baby Will Take Good Care of Him/Her?
All families that are approved to adopt through Adoption Advocates have undergone a comprehensive screening to ensure they will be able to meet for your child’s financial and emotional needs. This screening includes background checks, health evaluations, interviews and a home study. Additionally, our adoptive parents have all committed to honoring an open adoption, if that’s what you choose.
Adoption Advocates also requires adoptive parents to attend training on open adoption before they can accept a placement. This training educates them on the importance of respecting the role of birth parents, explains how open adoption benefits the child, and discusses how to honor the child’s biological heritage and culture. We also offer additional trainings and support groups for our adoptive parents to help them navigate other adoption-related issues as your child grows – like how to talk to them about their adoption at an age-appropriate level.
Because Adoption Advocates accepts families of all types, you’ll be able to choose one that has similar values, religious views and core beliefs as your own. You can speak to families to ask them additional questions and see how your visions for your child’s future align before you make your choice. Once you select the family, you can begin building a relationship with them that will continue after your baby is born. This can help you feel more confident that the parent you choose to adopt your baby will take good care of him or her.